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Regulatory Framework
Avid College governs its operations through a hierarchy of instruments, referred to as the Regulatory Framework.
- Ensure a clear and consistent governance and management approach is adopted in the development of all Avid College policies.
- Facilitate compliance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
- Enable efficient and effective decision making, incorporating quality assurance, equality and risk management practices.
- Establish clear roles and responsibilities for individuals and groups in the development, review, amendment and approval of policies.

Organisational Chart

College Council
The Council is the governing authority of Avid College. The Council oversees all major decisions concerning the conduct of the College. The Council is responsible for staff appointments and welfare, student welfare and discipline, financial matters and the physical and academic development of the College. It also awards all degrees and diplomas and is responsible to the Regulatory Authorities.
Primary responsibilities of Council
- Approving the vision, mission and strategic direction of the College, as well as the annual budget and business plan.
- Appointing the Rector and Vice-Rectors as the principal executive officers of the College, and monitoring their performance.
- Overseeing and reviewing the management of the College and its performance.
- Establishing policies, guidelines and procedural principles, consistent with College mandates, regulations and college community expectations.
- Approving and monitoring systems of quality assurance, control and accountability.
- Overseeing and monitoring the assessment and management of risks across College.
- Overseeing and monitoring the overall academic activities of the College.
Members of Council
- The Council is to consist of a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 14 members.
- The total number of members is to be determined from time to time by a resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the members of the Council (the total number of members).
The Council is to include the following categories of members:
- Chairman
- ex-officio members
- Elected members
- Chairman appointed members
Elected Staff and Student Members
- One member of the academic/administrative staff of Avid College will be elected by members of the staff
- One student of Avid College (undergraduate or postgraduate) who is not employed on a full-time basis as a member of the academic or non-academic staff of Avid College, will be elected by the students of Avid College.
- The Chairman may appoint as members of the Council 5 external persons.
The ex-officio members of the Council are the following:
- Rector
- Vice-Rectors
- Director General of Corporate Affairs
- Chief of Examinations
- Executive Dean (appointed by the Council)
- 1. Abdulla Musthaq Rashaadh (Chairman)
- 2. Dr. Suneena Rasheed (Rector)
- 3. Ahmed Fayaz Hassan (Vice-Rector – Academic Affairs)
- 4. Ali Rasheed (Vice-Rector – Business Development)
- 5. Amjad Abdul Wahhab (Director General – Corporate Affairs)
- 6. Ahmed Athif (Director – Human Resource Department)
- 7. Dr. Aishath Rameela (Dean of Student Affairs)
- 8. Mariyam Waseema (Chief Examiner)
- 9. Dr. Muhammed Shaheem Ali Saeed (Advisor to the Chairman – External Member)
- 10. Hamdhoon Abdulla Hameed (External Member)
- 11. Hassan Mohamed (External Member)
- 12. Basheera Mohamed (External Member)
- 13. Mohamed Shafeeq (External Member)
- 14. Abdulla Shiyaz (President of Student Council) Zeema Abdulla (Secretariat)
Terms of office
- In the case of a Chairman appointed member or Council appointed member, the term of appointment is for two years
- Elected staff and student members hold office for a term of two years commencing from the date of their election.
- Ex-officio members hold office during the period in which they hold the position on which their membership depends.
- Elected members of the Council are eligible to be re-elected in the same category provided that they meet the eligibility criteria for that category at the time of their nomination and they have not served more than two full consecutive terms in the same category.
- The Chair of the Council is the College Chairman.
The Chair of the Council is responsible for:
- Managing and supervising the functions and business of the Council
- Facilitating communications between the College community and the Council
- Apportioning authority for carrying out the Council’s functions to other members of the Council
- Reporting to the Regulatory Authorities on behalf of the College and Council.
Deputy chair
- The Deputy Chair of the Council is the Rector.
The Deputy Chair of the Council is responsible for:
- Assisting the Chair in the performance of their functions, as determined by the Chair from time to time.
- Acting as Chair when the Chair is on leave
- The Chair is otherwise unavailable to attend meetings.
Committee chair
- Committee Chairs will be appointed by the Council as soon as the committees are established.
- The term of office of a Committee Chair is for two years from the date of appointment or election.
- Committee Chair is eligible for re-appointment, provided that no person may serve as Chair of the same committee for more than two consecutive terms.
The office of Committee Chair will become vacant if the occupant:
- Resigns, either as Committee Chair or from the College
- Dies
- If the office of Committee Chair becomes vacant the Chair of the Council must appoint a new Committee Chair, as soon as practicable.
- Whenever a vacancy in the office of Rector occurs, the Council must elect a person (whether or not a Fellow) to be Rector of the College.
- The Rector, unless he or she sooner resigns or is removed from office as Rector or ceases to be a Fellow, holds office for such period (not exceeding two terms of 4 years each).
- The Rector is the principal executive officer of the College and has the functions conferred or imposed on the Rector by or under this or any other Policy.
The Rector is the principal academic and administrative officer of the College. Rector's role is to lead the College to achieve the College’s strategic goals. The Rector chairs the Academic Board and other Committees of the College. The Rector must be qualified and competent with minimum of PhD qualification.
Among the main tasks of the Rector are to:
- Provide leadership, academic and administrative to the whole College.
- Represent the College externally, both within the country and overseas.
- Secure resources sufficient to allow the delivery of the College’s mission, aims and objectives.
- Carry out certain important ceremonial and civic duties.
Vice Rector
- Whenever a vacancy in the office of a Vice Rector occurs, the Council must elect a person (whether or not a Fellow) to be a Vice Rector of the College.
- A Vice Rector, unless he or she sooner resigns or is removed from office as Vice Rector or ceases to be a Fellow, holds office for such period (not exceeding two terms of 4 years each).
- In the absence of the Rector, or during a vacancy in the office of Rector or during the inability of the Rector to act, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs has all the functions of the Rector.
Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs) is the chief academic officer at the College, responsible for leading academic strategy, delivering on the College’s academic aims, creating a dynamic environment for inspiring, challenging, and research-rich teaching, curriculum and assessment at the College. Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs) must be qualified and competent with minimum of Master levels qualification.
The roles and responsibilities of the Vice-Rector (Academic Affairs) are to:
- Drive the highest standards of academic excellence across the College
- Oversee the achievement of key academic objectives in the College’s strategic plan.
- Oversees teaching and learning.
- Oversees assessment and feedback
- Oversees the curriculum
- Support the College’s community of academic staff
- Support the College’s core academic values
Vice-Rector (Business Development) is the chief officer at the College, responsible for leading development strategy, marketing functions and developing academic and industrial partnerships and affiliations at the College. Vice-Rector (Business Development) must be qualified and competent with minimum of Master levels qualification.
- Build external engagement activities across the College.
- Develops strategic global partnerships that enrich the student experience and enhance research excellence.
- Develop the College’s civic engagement agenda.
- Provide leadership of other aspects of the College’s external relations activity, including home and international student recruitment, admissions, marketing, communications and alumni relations and development.
Functions of college
- The Council:
- Acts for and on behalf of the College in the exercise of the College’s functions.
- Has the control and management of the affairs and concerns of the College.
- May act in all matters concerning the College in such manner as appears to the Council to be best calculated to promote the object and interests of the College.
- The Council functions in controlling and managing the affairs and concerns of the College:
- To monitor the performance of the Rector.
- To monitor the performance of the Vice Rectors.
- To oversee the College’s performance.
- To oversee the academic activities of the College.
- To approve the College’s vision, mission, strategic direction, annual budget and business plan.
- To oversee risk management and risk assessment across the College.
- To approve and monitor systems of control and accountability for the College.
- To approve College annual budget and significant commercial activities.
- To establish policies and procedural principles for the College consistent with legal requirements and community expectations.
- To ensure that the College’s grievance procedures, and information concerning any rights of appeal or review conferred by are published in a form that is readily accessible to the public.
- To regularly review its own performance.
- To adopt a statement of its primary responsibilities.
- Provide such courses, and confer and award such degrees and other certificates, as it thinks fit.
- Appointment and termination of academic and other staff of the College.
- Impose fees, charges and fines.
Seal of college
- The seal of the College is to be kept in such custody as the Council may direct and is only to be affixed to a document pursuant to a resolution of the College.
- The Council may make policies for or with respect to any matter that is required:
- The management, good governance and discipline of the College.
- The method of election of members of the Council who are to be electe.
- The manner and time of convening, holding and adjourning the meetings of the Council or Academic Board.
- The manner of voting at meetings of the Council or Academic Board.
- The conduct and record of business of the Council or Academic Board.
- The appointment of committees of the Council or Academic Board.
- The quorum and functions of committees of the Council or Academic Board.
- The designation of members of staff of the College as academic staff, non-academic staff, full-time staff, part-time staff or otherwise and the designation of students of the College as undergraduate students, postgraduate students or otherwise.
- The number, manner of appointment and dismissal of officers and employees of the College.
- Admission to, enrolment in and exclusion from courses of studies.
- The payment of such fees and charges, including fines, as the Council considers necessary, including fees and charges to be paid in respect of:
- Registration
- Tuition
- Lectures and classes
- Examinations
- The conferring and awarding of degrees and other certificates
- The provision of amenities and services, whether or not of an academic nature
- The exemption from, or deferment of, payment of fees and charges, including fines.
- The examinations and assessments.
- The admission of students.
- The student discipline.
- The affiliation with the College of any educational or research establishment.
- The creation of faculties, schools, departments, centres, institutes or other entities within the College.
- The form and use of academic costume.
- The form and use of an emblem or logo of the College.
- The use of the seal of the College.
- The Council will have committees as it determines to be appropriate and necessary to perform its functions from time to time.
- The Council may establish committees by a resolution.
- The Chair of the Council may preside at any meeting of any Council Committee.
- When establishing a committee, the Council will determine the Terms of Reference and appoint an initial Chair.
- Committee membership shall:
- Provide appropriate discipline representation and expertise.
- As far as possible, reflect the diversity of the College community.
- The Chair of each committee must report:
- To each meeting of the Council, on the committee’s activities.
- Annually, on the committee’s activities and its assessment of its own performance.
Meeting of council
- The Chair is responsible for convening meetings of the Council, in the manner specified in the procedures.
- The Chair must convene at least one meeting in each semester.
- The Chair may also convene a meeting at any time on their own motion.
- The Chair must convene a meeting if requested to do so by at least 50% of all members.
- Council member may attend meetings and may exercise their voting rights.
- Quorum for Council meetings is 50% of all members. If no quorum is present within 30 minutes of the notified starting time of a meeting, the meeting may consider only procedural matters and must not transact any other business.
- The Secretary to the Council must arrange for minutes of each meeting to be taken and recorded.
- Minutes must record all motions put to a meeting, and their outcomes.
- Copies of draft minutes must be provided to each member no later than the date when notice of the next meeting is given.
- Minutes, once approved, must be signed by the Chair as a true and correct record.
- Any resolution which is to be put to a vote by members must be duly proposed and seconded.
- Each member present at a meeting has one deliberative vote.
- Voting will be conducted by show of hands, unless a secret ballot is required.
- A secret ballot must be conducted if demanded by any two members present at the meeting or directed by the Chair.
- The Chair has one casting vote if there is a tied vote.
- Resolutions will be carried by a majority of those present at the meeting and eligible to vote.
Meeting of committees
- Committee Chairs are responsible for convening committee meetings, and will determine the schedule of meetings in consultation with the Chair of the Council.
- A member of a committee may nominate an alternate to attend a meeting on their behalf, by giving written notice to the relevant Chair at least two days before any meeting the alternate is to attend.
- Meeting and quorum requirements for committees will be as specified in their Terms of Reference.
- The Secretary to the Council will arrange for minutes of each committee meeting to be taken and recorded